Turn-ups on men's jeans

  1. Species overview
  2. What kind of jeans can be tucked in?
  3. Fundamental rules
  4. Step by step instructions
  5. Stylish examples

Just a couple of decades ago, the turns on trousers were made solely for practical reasons: to remove excess length, protect from dirt and splashes, transform into shorts in the heat, tuck in on a bike ride, so as not to accidentally break with a chain and not get greased. But fashion is changeable and unpredictable, and what was once is not so important now.

Species overview

In recent years, turn-ups on jeans are in trend and are popular not only among teenagers. Now it is fashionable among middle-aged men, and in Europe - and respectable people. Let's consider the main characteristics of the most commonly used types of cuffs.

  • Single layer regular. Jeans are tucked into one layer by 2-3 cm, the tackle is gently straightened with hands. In the male versions, it is allowed to hide the edge with the stitching inside the fold by about 1–1.5 cm, then by this amount it is initially necessary to increase the width of the folded fabric. Boots, chukkas or any wide-cut shoes are matched to such gates. Classic shoes and sophisticated boots are not suitable.
  • Single layer wide. Suitable for tall, confident men. Visually, it significantly reduces the length of the legs, so it is not recommended for short people to tuck jeans like this. The trouser leg is folded from the bottom by 5–8 cm and ironed with a steam humidifier so that the cuffs do not slide down when worn. This tackle looks perfect on trendy pants with a beautiful edge made of colored thread, suitable for tight-fitting models. It is worn with heavy shoes, with leather boots. Not suitable for light models.
  • Narrow thin. Looks stylish on lightweight jeans, visually lengthens the legs. The fabric is folded at least three times by 1–1.5 cm, straightened and smoothed by hands, while the tackle should be without the impression of a "roller". Suitable to wear with neat shoes, lightweight sneakers are acceptable. No chunky boots will work.
  • Fixed tapered... The material for such a roll should be easily bent to obtain the correct shape, heavy dense fabrics will not work. Approximately 2.5 cm of fabric is taken from the side along the seam of the leg width, and a fold is made, holding the captured fabric, then folded again. You can fold on both sides. The roll is given the desired shape and smoothed by hand. Pants with such a turn-up visually become narrower. For this option, you must carefully select shoes, its appearance must be impeccable. If the shoe has a white sole, then double attention will have to be paid to its cleanliness in this bow.
  • Double cuff. It is narrow, wide (in the palm of your hand) and with an open edge.
    • Narrow. The edge rolls up about 2.5 cm, then a second fold is made.
    • Wide. The edge of the leg is folded twice to the width of the palm. Emphasizes traditions of the past. It is often used among people of working specialties.
    • With an open edge. The first hem is made wider, and the second folded less, so the stitching edge remains visible. It is performed on pants made of medium-weight fabrics. Almost any shoe is suitable, but its choice should correspond to the created image. Stylists advise against rolling up wide jeans in this way.
    • Cycling cuff... It is used during cycling to protect trousers from lubrication on the chain. You can restrict yourself to doing a turn on your right leg, but in the heat you can turn up the second leg as well. First, the edge is folded by 2 cm, then a second wide turn by 5–6 cm is performed. The leg with a roll is pulled up the leg, transverse folds are formed.

    With these cuffs on the pants, you can only ride a bicycle - not wear in any other situation.

    What kind of jeans can be tucked in?

    Almost any style can be. The most effective result is obtained if tight dark jeans with a light seamy side are tucked in. The contrasting colors of the cuffs and the jeans themselves look particularly stylish.

    Stylists advise to be careful with tackles only on tight-fitting skinny models. It is better to wear them without twists - they already emphasize all the dignity of the figure. But if you really want to, then an acceptable option on such jeans is a thin, neat fold of 1-1.5 cm with the obligatory observance of symmetry.

    You should not tuck trousers with torn edges or fringes along the bottom: they are self-sufficient, and a tackle will only ruin the image.

    Practical modern people prefer not to throw away tired jeans, but give them a "second life" and make shorts or breeches out of them. In this case enough narrow double cuffs ironed for better hold.

    Fundamental rules

    In experiments with a jeans turn-up, the main thing is to avoid inappropriateness. To do this, you must always take into account your height, complexion, figure proportions, the length of trousers and shoes. Be sure to stick to the basic rules to learn how to fold your jeans correctly and not get screwed up.

    • The wrong side. Check the wrong side. Jeans should look impeccable from the inside out. If there is a fabric of an unpresentable look, a loosened seam with protruding threads, the color is "out of topic", then this is a good reason for the "gate taboo".
    • Height. With a short stature, you do not need to do wide rolls: this will visually reduce the already small length of your legs.
    • Socks. They shouldn't be peeking out from underneath jeans. The exception is hipster socks of unusual patterns and colors, which, with their originality, will complement the conceived image. In the warm season, it is permissible to tuck jeans just above the ankle. Some people do not like to go without socks, in which case it is necessary to pick up shortened socks-socks: they will not be visible from the shoes.
    • Shoes. For a fashionable look, it is important to choose the right shoes. It must be appropriate for the season. Regardless of the season, only short shoes are suitable for a stylish look with trousers.
    • Style. The collar method and the style of jeans must be combined. In some styles, for example, "casual" (everyday clothes), slight negligence is allowed, the turn-ups are not ironed out, they deliberately leave small irregularities.
    • Options where gates are inappropriate, - these are official receptions and places of a strict dress code.
    • Don't tuck your jeans too highotherwise your look will become associated with a teenager who has grown out of pants.
    • Roll up before leaving home, and upon returning, unfold them, otherwise creases and stripes will appear at the folds.

    Few people by nature have perfectly straight long legs. For most people, natural data are far from ideal, therefore, the choice of complementary elements of style must be approached responsibly so that instead of a "highlight" you do not get inappropriate absurdity. If you follow the basic rules, the style will not be lost, and the conceived image will take place and will look fashionable and sophisticated.

    Step by step instructions

    Knowing the rules for turning up trousers for men is only half the battle. It is also necessary to tuck jeans correctly and beautifully in order to look fashionable and stylish. Many people think that it is "easy to do". This is partly true, but, despite the seeming simplicity, it will not work to fold jeans one or two without acquaintance with the tucking technique. How to correctly perform the turn-ups on jeans?

    • The classic way is done in one step. You just need to bend the bottom edge of the leg up to the desired width (up to 3 cm) and straighten the cuff.
    • Wide single fold differs from the classic only in the width of the fold (up to 8 cm), it is performed in the same way, for better fixation, iron the roll-up with an iron.
    • Thin fold 1–1.5 cm wide is performed in 3-4 layers. Suitable for skinny jeans.
    • Double fold. The lower edge of the leg is folded up twice by 2.5–3 cm, forming a dense double cuff.
    • Narrowed collar. Performed on jeans with extra width. On the inside of the leg, a fold is taken along the seam, similar to a dart, the fabric is firmly held by the hand and fixed with a double turn up.
    • Double tapered tackle. If the width of the legs allows, then the fold-tuck is made on both sides (from the inside and from the outside), the rest is performed in the same way as in the previous method.

    In addition to the classic patterns, there is a suitable method of turning up for each model of jeans.

    • On tight skinny jeans, thin tackles of 1–1.5 cm are appropriate. You need to tuck it up no more than 2 times or even limit yourself to one thin tuck, otherwise the tackle twisted when worn will become uncomfortable and it will be unpleasant to put pressure on the leg. The “skinny” model may not be tucked up at all - this is already a striking detail in the image, but if you nevertheless decided to try this option, then show maximum accuracy, because negligence is unacceptable on such jeans.
    • Jeans of a straight cut should be decorated with a single-layer wide turn-up. The colored thread in the hem is the legendary little feature of the selvedge model, which remains in plain sight.
    • Straight, strict jeans will give a youthful look with an unusual two-level tackle with an open edge. First, a wide outer roll is made (about 7 cm), then the edge is folded again by 2-3 cm, the second roll does not cover the entire width of the first roll, the stitched edge remains open. Such a turn-up is suitable for an image in which even signs of severity are completely absent.
    On tight jeans
    For an even cut
    For straight strict

    Stylish examples

    Stylists consider tackles to be an extraordinary and stylish touch of the image. This modern trend is democratic and loyal, allows for slight negligence, does not require many hours of searching for the right options and significant financial expenses for the purchase of expensive brands. You don't need a dime to get a casual, stylish look from adding a little pertinent touch. You just need to skillfully and tastefully tuck the jeans. Almost every modern man always has more than one pair of jeans.

    It is enough to choose the style of trousers and the model of the roll in accordance with the height and proportions of the figure.

    The advice of experts will come in handy for lovers of rolled up jeans when choosing an image:

    • a stocky person should prefer wide jeans with low turns;
    • in a business style, black straight jeans with narrow cuffs will be the right choice;
    • classic models are worn with a belt; informal styles do not need a belt;
    • people without excess weight should choose straight-cut jeans with 4–5 cm cuffs, and it is better to refuse narrow “skinny” jeans - they will flaunt your thinness;
    • demi-season shoes are in harmony with lower cuffs, summer shoes - with higher ones.

    Jeans are versatile, with a competent approach, they harmoniously fit into a variety of different looks. But to make the bow look complete, it is important to choose not only the right type of jeans turn-up and shoes, but also the upper part of the wardrobe. Turn-up jeans can be worn with anything, as long as the overall style is maintained and they are combined with other elements of the wardrobe. Stylish men's looks with rolled up jeans look fashionable and harmonious.

        Jeans are one of the most sought-after items of men's clothing. Models, styles, colors, cut are changing, but the jeans themselves remain stylish in all seasons. To wear or not to wear jeans with cuffs is a personal matter for every man, yours and only your individual decision.When choosing a style and image, put your preferences "at the forefront", adequately assess current trends, get rid of ridiculous beliefs, do not be afraid to experiment with your wardrobe.

        Do not forget that the classic version - trousers without twists - is also always relevant.

        See below for how to tuck jeans.

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