How to iron men's trousers with arrows correctly?

  1. How did the idea of ​​folds come about?
  2. Ironing rules for men's trousers
  3. Unfolding process
  4. The main stages of the process
  5. Smoothing arrows
  6. Recommendations

Trousers are an integral part of a business style. The impeccable appearance and perfectly smoothed arrows indicate the seriousness and composure of a man. Not everyone knows how to iron trousers to get the desired result. In the absence of experience and knowledge, the folds turn out to be uneven, creating the opposite effect and spoiling the overall appearance. In reality, learning the process of ironing trousers and creating arrows is quite simple. To do this, it is enough to follow certain rules of this process.

How did the idea of ​​folds come about?

The middle of the 19th century is a time when garment factories began to actively develop in many countries of the world. In the process of transporting goods from the place of manufacture to retail outlets, the products were packed, for which they were folded several times. As a result, a stable fold remained on the material at the fold.

but men, having purchased new trousers, were in no hurry to iron them, thereby demonstrating that they can afford to buy new clothes... Many began to notice that a man in trousers with such arrows looks more slender, respectable and well-groomed. Since that time, the fashion has gone on classic men's trousers with straight arrows along the entire length of the leg.

Ironing rules for men's trousers

To quickly learn the process of creating arrows, certain requirements must be met. At the first stage, preparation is carried out. There is a wide variety of fabrics that can change their properties under the influence of external factors. For some of them, the high temperature is unacceptable, and in the case of prolonged heat treatment, the fabric may deteriorate.

Other categories of materials, under the influence of high temperatures, take and maintain a given shape. To avoid unpleasant situations, it is better to study in advance the information about the characteristics of the fabric, which the manufacturer indicates on the label of the trousers. Before starting the ironing process, be sure to inspect the fabric for dirt. When ironing, dirt is absorbed into the structure of the material, and then it will be very difficult to remove it.

It is recommended to iron the hands immediately after washing. The soleplate of the iron must also be absolutely clean in order to avoid the appearance of traces of dirt on the material.

Unfolding process

Pants must be correctly positioned on the ironing board. If the outer and inner seams completely coincide with each other, then you can start creating arrows. To quickly fold the trousers into this position, it is enough to take the lower part of the trouser leg and overlap the edges of all four seams.

The next step is to match all the seams in the upper part of the trousers in a similar manner. Keeping the pant legs in this state, carefully place them on the ironing board. Next, the belt is folded back, and the seams are aligned with the hands along the entire length of the trousers. As a result of such actions, there should be no creases, bends, wrinkles or other irregularities on the fabric.

The main stages of the process

Start ironing the pants from the wrong side in the following sequence:

  • belt area;
  • lining;
  • pockets;
  • places along the leg.

At the end of this stage, the trousers are turned right side out. Before you start creating the arrows, you need to carefully iron each leg along the entire length. Having finished with one leg, we turn the trousers over to the other side and perform similar actions. Now we remove to the side the pant leg lying on top.As a result of such manipulations, free access to the inside of the leg should be obtained, we pass along it with a hot iron along the entire length.

For best results, steam or periodically moisten the surface of the fabric with water. Turning the trousers over to us with the other side, we perform similar manipulations - we iron the other trouser leg from the inside.

Smoothing arrows

Some manufacturers of classic-style men's trousers make special darts at the bottom of each leg. They should become a guideline for creating arrows and will be their continuation. In models where there are no such recesses, you will have to determine the position of future arrows on the front belt loop. Having established a reference point on each leg, they are bent in one place.

We completely align the fabric along the entire length of the trousers, including in the area of ​​the pockets. All side seams must match perfectly. You can neatly secure your pant legs with a safety pin or small needle.

On the front of the trousers, the arrow should end about 7 centimeters from the waist.

You should start ironing men's trousers with arrows from the knee area. This method allows you to make the folds neat and straight. You can make the arrow line absolutely even if you do not immediately run the iron over the entire leg. The best results will be obtained by moving the iron sequentially from one area to the next.

For materials of high density, the iron is delayed for a few seconds at each step. A similar method is easily carried out on sliding fabrics. Having ironed one arrow, it is necessary to visually evaluate the result obtained. If the arrows are smoothed correctly, they will appear straight and even along their entire length. At the final stage, the arrows are ironed on the other side of the leg.

After creating arrows on men's trousers, it is not recommended to put them on immediately. The resulting folds will last much longer if the trousers are allowed to cool completely.

The best option for this is to hang them on a wide hanger. They should hang along their entire length without touching the floor.


There are several rules for making arrows more durable. To do this, it is recommended to add a small amount of vinegar and starch to the water with which the trousers are moistened during ironing. Spray the solution only on the inside of the leg.

If, during the smoothing process, the fabric begins to shine, it is better to immediately steam this area with vinegar dissolved in water. When the material is dry, re-iron the pants through a damp piece of fabric.

How to iron men's trousers with arrows, see below.

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